My friend, accomplished figurative ceramist Misty Gamble, teaches Foundations at the Kansas City Art Institute agreed to model for me wearing her powder-blue faux fur jacket. She was super-animated and great to work with and for. I don’t really know ‘why’, but it seemed to me that a deep green paper color would suit this portrait — in the end, there was so much ink on the paper that the green only gives it a bit of olivey flavor.

“Misty”, 82 x 45 inches, completed April 19, 2012, pen and ink drawing, white ink and black ink on tinted watercolor paper

detail, “Misty”, 82 x 45 inches pen and ink drawing in white ink and black ink on tinted watercolor paper

detail of fur, “Misty”, 82 x 45 inches pen and ink drawing in white ink and black ink on tinted watercolor paper